After yesterday's rant, (which I have now deleted because it could possibly get me into trouble at work) I thought it was high time I put some happy thoughts up here.
Kiddo is growing and changing so much, I can hardly believe it! A few days ago, he started singing "Jesus Loves Me" without any prompting from us, and it was the sweetest, most beautiful thing I ever heard. He also sings along with his lullabye every evening, and it just melts my heart. He also puts his teddy bear to bed! He has fallen in love with a little teddy bear that was mine when I was a little girl. I named this bear "Radar" after Big Bird's teddy bear on Sesame Street, because I just adored Sesame Street as a little girl. Well, he has taken to this bear and now he calls it "Radar" too. I just put him down for his nap. As I covered him with his blanket, he pulled another blanket on top of "Radar," patted Radar's back, and said, "Night, night, Radar. Sweet dreams!"
We seem to have moved into yet the next stage of bedtime drama. Now that he is in a big-boy bed, he has learned that he has free reign of the house during the night. On more than once occasion, I've woken up hearing a door slam and discovering the living room light on. He'll tiptoe across the house, turn on the light, make his way to our room, see that we're asleep, close our bedroom door, and then go back to his room! There was one time that I didn't hear him, I just woke up in the morning and my room was shut and the living room light on, and he was there, fast asleep in his room. Last night, however, he kept coming into our room before we had gone to sleep. We had to take him back to his room 4 times. For our family, we have chosen not to practice co-sleeping, so we don't want him to come into our bed and fall asleep. As tempting as it was to just scoop him up and let him fall asleep with us, we know that it would only result in our having to break the habit later on. It is sweet that he wants to be with us, though. I keep telling myself it will only be a matter of time before he will be all grown up, and I'll be wondering where he is at night, worrying that he has gotten into trouble with some obnoxious kids. So for now, I'm quite happy to continue returning my devoted little son to his own room at night, assured with the knowledge that my little boy loves me to pieces.