Hey, come on and join us over at the Ultimate Blog Party!! Join in too, and win a prize! Meet new friends! Get noticed! Let your hair down and have some FUN!
I've got a good party game. 20 Questions!! (Well, we'll make it ten to save space!)
1. Who are you?
I'm Guinevere Meadow. Well, that's not my real name, but it's a lovely pseudonym, wouldn't you agree?? I'll be 25 later this month. I am the wife of Hubby and the mommy of Lancelot. (Also not his real name.)
2. Who is Lancelot?
He is my 3-month old son, the love of my life, and the thorn in my side. Just kidding about the thorn part.
3. Why should I read this blog?
Why not?
4. What do you do in your spare time?
Spare what? I don't know what this is...lol!! In the few moments I find to myself, I enjoy reading, blogging, singing, playing games on our new Nintendo Wii, and watching episodes of Voyager that we've saved on our TiVO.
5. Who is Jesus Christ?
The Saviour of the World. The Son of God. The Lamb of God. The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. Wonderful counsellor, Almighty God and Everlasting Father.
6. Do you go to church?
Practically every time the doors are open, and sometimes when they're not. (We have a key. lol!)
7. What do you do there?
Other than attending services, I sing in a band called Renanah which does music for the Saturday night service, we socialize there, we eat there, we have picnics there, we join bible studies there, and we participate in an annual reenactment of Bethlehem.
8. What is your favorite color?
9. What is your quest?
To find the Holy Grail of blogging.
10. What is the air-speed velocity of a laden swallow?
African or European?
For anyone who does not know the reference of the last three questions, I suggest you go rent a copy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It's frikkin' hilarious. (And it's great to quote one-liners at parties!! lol!)
This is such a fun party!! Nice to meet you!
Party Time! Great to meet you! I am looking forward to returning to visit ya! Your son is adorable!
I have had the joy of reading through most of your posts for the last hour!! How sweet!!! You son is a bundle of cuteness! It's so nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog. Isn't mommy-hood great??
Your letter to your son had me in tears! I have said many of the same things to my sweet 6 month old daughter. It really seems like she was born yesterday and I just want to hang on to all these moments. On the other hand, I do greatly enjoy the nights she decides to sleep through the night ;). Can she stay a sweet little baby AND sleep through the night?
Love your answers to 20 Questions! Thanks for being a hostess for the 5MfM party--it's fun to meet you.
I love your answers!!! great humor! enjoying the party and your site...stop on by!!
I love Monty Python! My kids don't quite 'get' it yet, but hopefully they will soon!
Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party!!! Nice meeting ya.
Happy party week!!!
My first party favor give-away has begun. Come over when you get a chance.
Hi Guinevere nice to meet you
I enjoy reading, blogging and the colour red too
vivit me at http://jenz.wordpress.com/
Nice to meet you!! Lancelot is absolutely adorable. My party is up too...hope you'll stop by. I love your questions and answers.
:-) Susan
My 15 year old has so gotten into Monty Python. You should have seen his face the first time he heard the parrot sketch.
Popping in for the Party! Fun party entry. I have festive exploding bubbles at my Party post (sorry, no penguins on the telly). And since I shopped at The Cheese Shoppe for my snacks, I also have no cheese...but the exploding bubbles ARE nice. Come on over!
I'm #207, womanwithmanyhats.com
that was a fun list! :) yes your name is very cool! :)
yes - holy grail is a RIOT!!!
Hi. Thanks for stopping by my place earlier. That is one cute baby you have! You looked great pregnant, too.
Love your list =) And your name!
Have a great day and enjoy the last moments of this great party!
What's your favorite color? Blue... NO - Red... Aaaaaaaaaaahhh!
Yeah, I've seen that movie a time or 20.
Come back here and I will taunt you a second time! Pbbbbst!
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