Before I get to the main subject of this post, I just HAD to share this photo.
I LOVE "Pirates of the Caribbean." So when Hubby, Lance, and I were cruising the mall last weekend and poked around in the Disney Store, we couldn't resist putting this Jack Sparrow wig on Lance.
Halloween costumes already? Sigh.
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I'm so psyched!!
Tomorrow, I get to go away for the weekend! By myself! (Along with a couple hundred women.) I am attending a weekend women's retreat being hosted by a local Christian musician and speaker. It has become an annual event and I can't wait!!
We're staying in a nice hotel on the beach. We have several sessions with the speaker who will be speaking on "Why We Need Girlfriends." We will have a pajama party, complete with DJ. (Macarena, anyone?) We're having a "Royal Feast" in which we get to wear a princess item. (I purchased a Belle tiara and scepter from the Disney Store. Thank heavens for early halloween costume sales!!)
Of course I'll post a picture of myself in my princess regalia when I return.
I'm just so ready for a little break from the normal everyday-ness that is Mommyhood. I won't be far away, just about 45 minutes, so if something happens, I'll be close enough to return home.
It's going to be great. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Of course I'll post a picture of myself in my princess regalia when I return.
I'm just so ready for a little break from the normal everyday-ness that is Mommyhood. I won't be far away, just about 45 minutes, so if something happens, I'll be close enough to return home.
It's going to be great. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Ooo I am green with envy!!! I hope that you have a fun time.
Have fun! My oldest daughter has already planned in GREAT detail what her Halloween costume will be...
I hope you have a fabulous weekend...I'm sure you will have a great time!
Wow I am SOO jealous! That sounds like an incredible weekend! So much fun! I hope you have blast and come home refreshed!
Thanks for your comment on "Smarty Pants" :o)
Oh, Lance looks so whipped by that costume. :)
Have a great time!
Isn't it fun to dress up babies, so cute! Arrrr matey! (spelling?)
Have a great get away. Moms need to do that once in a while, with just their girlfriends! I've GOT to convince my friends to do something like that SOON!
Lance is quite the swashbuckler!
Have fun!
Hope your weekend is a blast! I'm looking forward to seeing your "princess" pictures! :)
I am so excited for you! Enjoy your much-deserved break!
Oh what FUN!! I can't wait to hear an update from you..and that picture of the baby is PRECIOUS!!
Glad you got to get away...did you ever post about your decision to teach or not this year? I may have missed it as I haven't been out surfing as much.
Been praying for you.
:-) Susan
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