Here are some photos I've taken over the last couple of days. Most of you probably don't know, but I used to keep a photo blog. Photography has been a hobby of mine for several years. Since Kiddo has been born, I haven't been able to put the time into it that I used to. However, I've now realized that he makes a GREAT subject for some of my "serious" photography. Enjoy!

Here we have Kiddo enjoying his first box of "big kid" crayons. I just thought it was a little ironic to put a photograph of crayons into black and white. I'm weird like that.

And you see, I saved one and kept it in color!

We have a local nature area called "Tall Cypress Natural Area." Kiddo loves to go out there and run up and down the boardwalk. I like it for all the great photo ops.

Managed to catch a pensive moment. I'm not sure how I feel about this photo, because he really doesn't look like himself in it. But I like the expression in the eyes. I think I might go back and re-edit it. I made it a little too grainy. A softer look would be better. Thoughts?

These are called "Beautyberries." I had to keep Kiddo from picking them and eating them. I don't know if they're poisonous for humans, but I *do* know that all wildlife is protected in this nature area.
Nice work!
those are nice! I don't think that one is too grainy, but if it were me, I'd lighten his face up a bit. He has a beautiful expression! Great capture.
I love the pictures! Great talent!
They all are great shots. My favorite is the colored crayons. The perspective is interesting.
On the close up, his face is too grainy. I say soften it up and chose your favorite. And he really looks a lot like you in that one.
Great photos! Lance is so photogenic. And unlike *some little boys I know* he actually seems to ham it up for the camera a bit.
Great pics!
Glad to see you're still taking photos - you have a great talent :) oh, and a terribly cute subject :)
I think kids are great subjects too. I like them all especially the crayon shot in b&w. Keep it up.
These are really great, Jen. I can't believe how BIG he is getting! A baby no more.
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