April 2008: 1 1/2 years old. We just moved into our house, and for the first time, you had a backyard to play in! Once you discovered how much freedom you had, there was no stopping you. Running, jumping, climbing, hopping, any kind of motion is what you loved. You haven't been still since.

April 2009: 2 1/2 years old. You are now speaking in full sentences. Your favorite movies are "101 Dalmatians" and "Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius." They are the only two things in the world that you will sit still for. You are so tall, everyone thinks I'm lying when I tell them you're still only 2 years old. You've figured out that if Mommy starts counting to 3, you'd better do what she says or you'll get a smack. You've also figured out that if Mommy tells you that you have to go to your room for a time out, that if you immediately give her a hug and a kiss she will soften up and let you off the hook.
Don't grow up too fast, sweetheart. Let me hold on to these moments forever.
Don't grow up too fast, sweetheart. Let me hold on to these moments forever.
This is super sweet! :-) You are one lucky mama!
Wow, what a difference a year makes!
awww he is such a cutie!
Oh. My. Gosh. He is such a doll and reminds me of my neighbor's little boy. Note: I didn't say baby because he isn't one anymore!
It's a good thing I follow you on Twitter, otherwise I'd complain about this neglected blog of yours. :-)
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