I woke up three hours ago. Hubby was snoring, and my jaw was sore because I was sleeping on my side and putting pressure on my face where the teeth were removed. I took a Vicodin, thinking that once the pain eased, I'd go back on to sleep.
Nope. I put in ear plugs, thinking that if I drowned out the snoring, I'd go back to sleep.
Uh-uh. I went out to the living room, got on the couch, thinking that since the living room is a little cooler than the bedroom thanks to the powerful ceiling fan, I'd be more comfortable and fall back asleep.
Wrong again.
But at least I'm getting caught up on reading all of you dear people!!
Here is a picture of me when I was a baby. There is really no purpose for me putting this here right now, it's just damn-thirty in the morning and I'm bored.

Forgive my language. I get cranky when I haven't had enough sleep.
Ugh. Hope you can get some rest...
Cute picture, by the way. :)
Damn thirty....I like it! No, I love it. Not gonna lie.
You crack me up! I know it's not funny...but I have to say that I also get very cranky sans sleep! I'm hoping you got to catch up on a bit somehow today.
I feel for you. Tooth pain is right up there with ear pain. I'd be using worse words than that.
You were such a cute baby! :) I hope you got some rest eventually!
I am so offended, NOT! Hope you got some sleep and your teeth are feeling better. I prescribe milkshakes to numb that thing. ; ) Not just because they are tasty.
I hope you feel better! It stinks to be in pain!
Thats a sweet photo. I hope you are rested now!
Ohmygoodness! I thought that was a picture of the boy for a moment there!
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