I've found a new hobby!! Digital scrapbooking!! I used to adore paper scrapbooking, but it's just not practical for me anymore. I'm so not organized with my supplies, so it takes twice as long to get everything out and see what I have than it does to actually make the pages! I found a few freebies on some digital scrapbooking sites, and I used photoshop CS3 to do the layouts.
Once again, I copied from my best friend. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!) She had the idea to do "then and now" layouts of pictures of her son from each month and also from a year prior to that month. So I've done the same. So far, I've only done March (above) and August (below. Obviously.) I hope to eventually do a whole year's worth and then have them printed into a photo book.

Oh. And the only reason I've had time to do this? Because of the tropical storm that kept school closed but let me keep my electricity to run my computer. :)
I need to get back into doing my scrapbooking. It's been too long.
Cute layouts! I wish I had Photoshop.
Cute! I really need to start printing out pictures and getting them into an album. I think it has been several years since I last did it. sigh.
Those look great! And of course, your boy is sooo photogenic!
Glad you like my "then and now" idea! ;)
How fun! I'm glad you got into digital, for some reason it just doesn't appeal to me at all.
Waaay too crafty for me. But cute. :p
Okay now you and Holly are really going to convince me to give it a try. Great job.
I always wanted to do scrapbooking but then never found the time. Blogging and photography has been a welcome outlet.
I've never even heard of digital scrapbooking.
I'll have to check it out!! Thanks
I found you on Erin's blog! Another fellow teacher! I am thinking of you as you head back! Make sure to post those "Precious Moments" this year!
I didn't know this existed- much more up my alley than regular scrapbooking!
SOunds like my kind of scrapbooking!
Those are really cool!!
I know paper scrapbooking takes lots of time and stuff...but I like the textile nature, the feel of paper and pictures in my hands.
Okay, I'm weird. But it took me awhile to move from regular phototography to digital too...
Sigh. Just another reason to feel guilty for all those album pictures I have just sitting around. Is digital scrapbooking easy? Less time consuming than the real deal?
Awwww...those are just precious.
:-) Susan
Scrapbooking to be is like this huge black hole that is constantly calling me to fall into it's depth . . . CAN NOT DO IT
So I ma glad when others/friends take up the sport for me . . .
The pages look great BTW
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